Trellis Consulting LLC

Trellis is a comprehensive, strategic services partner to corporations and professional service firms that develops and integrates substantive, customized gender inclusion initiatives in order to provide and maximize value. Through detailed, data-driven and small group assessments, Trellis analyzes specific strategic and business goals and designs complimentary gender diversity programs for all levels to drive overall corporate success. Trellis also integrates networking and signature events, incorporates internal and external marketing/PR efforts and provides support and creative ideas to the organization’s gender diversity initiative team.

Our Survey

The Trellis Scale of Core Competencies Survey is an assessment of the state of women’s initiatives at companies across the United States.

Powerful Solutions

A successful initiative is a multi-faceted one that removes barriers and replaces them with practical tools and programs. Trellis’ comprehensive services will help you create a robust program that appeals to women at every stage of their career.




Of Interest

Click on one of the following links to learn more about our past and upcoming events and resources.


Only 26 women are now serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies – roughly 5%.

– Pew Research Center

Companies with top-quartile representation of women in executive committees perform significantly better than companies with no women at the top.

– McKinsey & Company

Gender-diverse boards improve corporate reputation.

– Catalyst Inc.